Indianapolis Lodge #669

To Be One Ask One

Worshipful Master Dale Wright
Welcome to the website for our 114 year old Lodge. We invite you to come and visit our Lodge and enjoy the Brotherhood of Masonry.


I am very honored and humbled to be the Worshipful Master of Indianapolis Masonic Lodge #669 for 2021.
At this reading we should all be looking forward to the first day of Spring on March 20th. Not only is it a sign of warmer weather to come, but it is also the birthday of my lovely daughter Shelly as well as the "International Day of Happiness", which goes hand and hand all together. It is a day of reflection and hope for the future reminding us to concentrate on the good and happy things in life including Brotherhood, Friends, and Family. As the days get warmer I look forward to watching the flowers bud and grow reminding me of God's great and good miracles.


In March we plan to to host our first Master Mason Degree of 2021, a definite plus for us as well as our newly raised Brother. The tentative date for the degree is March 25th, dinner at 6pm with degree starting promptly at 7pm. Come join us if you can to help us celebrate the raising of our first Master Mason of the year. 
Spring has arrived and the weather seems to be gradually warming. I know the feeling of warm sunshine fills my day and makes me inspired for the upcoming year. We will continue to hone our craft to make sure our new Brother's have the best and memorable experience as they travel through their degrees. If you have any memories you would like to share here, please let me know and I'm sure others will be interested to hear them.
Our next stated meeting will be April 5th. Dinner will be served at 6:30PM with opening promptly at 7:30PM. We have an important issue to resolve as, at this time we are below the Grand Lodge assessment and will be voting on the motion made in February to increase our annual dues to $70.00. Hope to see you there.

Please visit us soon.


Fraternally Yours,
Bob "BZ" Zellers, W.M.

If you want to know more about our Lodge or about Freemasonry please eMail us, or sign our GuestBook.
Bring a Master Mason to Lodge with you


What are the benefits of becoming a Mason?

There are numerous benefits to being a Mason, they tend to be personal, and are quite varied. The benefits can only be truly discovered by becoming a member. But we can try and give you an idea. Without question you will have the opportunity to experience camaraderie and fellowship with a group of men across the boundaries of age, race, religion, culture, and opinion. This is a fundamental concept to the Fraternity. Many find great value and knowledge in our ritual ceremony -- it uses symbolism and metaphors to encourage and remind us to appreciate principles, ethics, and morality, and to live our lives accordingly. Others find great satisfaction in our charitable efforts, community service, and the support we provide our members and their families. Finally, for those who take on leadership positions within their lodge, they have the chance to develop or further very practical management skills.

     Indianapolis Lodge #669 F.&A.M.
     800 Indianapolis Rd
     Mooresville, IN 46158
"Masonic labor is purely a labor of love. He who seeks to draw Masonic wages in gold and silver will be disappointed. The wages of a Mason are in the dealings with one another; sympathy begets sympathy, kindness begets kindness, helpfulness begets helpfulness, and these are the wages of a Mason." -- Benjamin Franklin

 Page last updated on Monday, October 01, 2017

© 1997-2020 Indianapolis Lodge #669 F&AM
All Rights Reserved

Indianapolis Lodge #669 was founded in 1907, warranted by the Grand Lodge of Indiana. Our Lodge has approximately 450 members.

Stated Meetings commencing at 7:30 p.m. on the 1st Monday of each month, except for July when the meeting is on the first Friday following the first Monday.
 Snacks are usually served before and after our Stated Meetings. 

Degree work is scheduled as needed.

Official communications should be directed to:

Indianapolis Lodge #669 F&AM
800 Indianapolis Rd
Mooresville, IN  46158
